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Friday, April 16, 2010

An article about why I want to learn to swim

*(I found this piece on the net and thought i'd share it as it was related to what i mentioned earlier)

Chai's Marine Life Blog: Snorkeling and swimming

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Snorkeling and swimming
"Must I know how to swim
before I snorkel?"

I can't pretend to be a professional - so I can only say that my personal opinion is "ideally yes".

I have been swimming quite regularly for many years before I started to snorkel. And I can see that some basic skills in swimming really help.

You see, the act of floating passively on the surface isn't hard and you don't have to know swimming to do that. But, for two reasons, I think it's good to know swimming before you snorkel:

First - more fun
If you swim well and are confident in the water, you can do a lot more than simply drifting around. For example, you can dive down as you wish and explore ledges, caves or arches near the bottom.
Also, you won't have to restrict yourself to only shallow spots near the shore anymore. You can explore spots further from shore, which may be a shallow reef that is separated from shore by deeper water. Those spots may turn out to be quite rich in marine life as they are less disturbed by the beachgoers.

Second - safer
If you swim well and are confident in the water, you are less likely to freak out when things go wrong. For example, for some reasons, you get a leg cramp. Or one of your fins threaten to come off because the fin strap has somehow become loose. Or you accidentally breathe in some water and start to cough. They all happened to me before, so I know.

Having said all that, don't forego an opportunity to go snorkeling and explore the underwater wonders just because you can't swim. Just go with someone who can keep an eye on you and go places that are safe, then you are alright.

I believe that people of all levels of swimming abilities or even the lack of it are entitled to enjoying the beauty underwater. I can promise you that it's very different from watching corals and fishes through the glass of an aquarium.

Chai's Marine Life Blog: Snorkeling and swimming

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